Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Grandpa Blake

I am recording this so that it is not forgotten, because I think it's important to remember. And just a warning that this is pretty emotional - have the tissues ready.  

So, if you are following Dylan’s mission progress, you know that last Thursday he received his call. Here is what his official letter says:
Dear Elder Blake:
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Brazil Sao Paulo South Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 24 months.
You should report to the Brazil Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, July 17, 2013. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Portuguese language . . .
The Lord will reward you for the goodness of your life. Greater blessings and more happiness than you have yet experienced await you as you humbly and prayerfully serve the Lord in this labor of love among His children.
Wow. What a great letter! And it is actually signed by President Thomas S. Monson. Not an ink stamp - an actual signature. I definitely have chills, and know that his call is from his Father in Heaven!
Now, the rest of the story. When the Church announced that the missionary age for boys was changing from 19 to 18, Dylan was so excited. He called his Grandpa Blake, who was battling cancer at the time, and told him all about it.  His Grandpa's statement was, "Now maybe I will be able to see you serve a mission." Well, that wasn't the Lord's plan. His Grandpa passed away on December 19th. But, during one of his Grandpa's last blessings that he received, he was promised that he would be there when Dylan opened his call. And he was - just not in person. His spirit was definitely felt.
After Dylan left from opening his call, he went and visited his Grandpa Blake's grave. He took his mission call and read it to him. If you have ever been to a recent grave, you know that there is no headstone, just a name plate stating who is buried there. After Dylan read his call, through his tears, he told his Grandpa how much he loved and missed him. Dylan looked up at the name plate and two water drops were running down each side, just like his Grandpa was crying too - and I'm sure he was.
With the freezing temperatures, I know it was no coincidence. I know that the tears that were shed were happy tears telling Dylan how proud his Grandpa Blake is of him and how much he loves him!  The Lord shows us so many tender mercies. We are definitely blessed!


  1. What a neat story! So special. I'm so glad you're recording all of this!

    I couldn't be more excited for you, Dylan. You are going to be such an amazing missionary, and this will be a huge, life-changing blessing in your life.

  2. Totally made me cry! So proud of you, Dylan. I know Grandpa is too.

  3. I'm sitting here bawling my eyes out. I KNOW grandpa was there and is so thrilled for Dylan and I'm sure they were his tears. There have been so many times that we have had little tender mercies to know that grandpa is there looking out for us. It was one of his greatest desires to be able to be there when Dylan went on his mission. I'm sure grandpa will be with Dylan way more from Heaven than he could have been here on earth so I think grandpa's wish was granted. We love you and are so proud of you Dylan and know you will be a fabulous missionary!
